Management Update

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On December 31, 2010, in the wee hours of the morning, a resident of Ashley Reserve Apartments hit and did extensive damage to the fence and ficus hedges along Cedar Point Blvd behind Terrace Homes I Condominium. Fortunately, Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office responded to the accident, so we were able to obtain an accident report and have filed a claim with the driver’s insurance company. Meanwhile, Thompson Fencing Company replaced Fencing & Tree Trimming repaired the damaged fence and posts at a cost of $2,450 and Domenico’s Nursery & Landscaping replaced the damaged ficus at $1,610. We are currently awaiting a check from the insurance on this claim.

Management is happy to announce that we finally received a check for an insurance claim for an incident that occurred on June 28, 2010 , which damaged an electrical box and the fence across from Ashley Lakes . The check for $1,256 covers the damages that were repaired over the summer.

Atlantic Refrigeration installed a new air handler for the Spa Area, where the Japanese Hot Tubs, Sauna and Steam Room are located, which was over 10 years old and beyond repair. The decision was made to go ahead and replace the unit and the installation was completed on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at a cost of $3,763.

The contractor for the installation of the water line for Boynton Beach Utilities, Felix & Associates, completed the work on installing the water pipe line at the front entrance to Banyan Springs. The work was completed on Thursday, January 13th without any major incident or accidents. Currently, the contractor is working on Boynton Beach Blvd progressing towards Military Trail and will finish up at the corner. The project should be completed by the first week in February. After the construction is complete, the City of Boynton Beach will restore the area.

Al Hoffer’s Pest Protection Services was in the community last week to fertilize the lawns throughout Banyan Springs, as part of the Association’s Contract of services.

Drainage problems over the weekend at 10174 Mangrove Drive , Lakeside Condominium #5, led to an emergency call to a local plumbing company this past weekend. When the plumber was fixing the problem, it was discovered that tree roots underground were causing the problem. On Monday, January 17th, Rapid Rooter put a camera in the pipe and it was discovered that a section of the main drainage pipe was broken in a couple of sections with roots impeding the flow of waste and located on common property, which is the responsibility of the POA. On Tuesday, Rapid Rooter was contracted to excavate, remove the roots and replace 3 sections of drainage pipe. The entire cost of this emergency project totaled $6,790.55 and was completed yesterday afternoon.Tem Systems was in the community yesterday afternoon to check an intermittent problem with the speaker on the call box at our main entrance. Adjustments were made to the system and resolved at no cost to the Association.

Management would like to remind all of our residents that if you experience any problems when entering the community at the either of the resident gates, you may have a bar code sticker that is weathered and needs to be replaced. If you or someone you know has had this problem, please come by the office and we will remove the old sticker and put a new one on your vehicle.

The Organizational Meeting for the 2011 Banyan Springs POA Board of Directors is scheduled for 10:00AM tomorrow morning in the Banyan Room. The meeting is for the Board to elect the officers for their new term.

Respectfully submitted,

Rick Leach, L.C.A.M.

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